A lot to choose from...
30-dniowe Wyzwanie Fantastyczne nie zwalnia ani trochę! Kolejny dzień kolejne pytanie:
Ulubiony serial fantastyczny?
Boże jaki temat rzeka! I jaki ciężki wybór! Ale odnalazłem ten, który jest moim ulubionym.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Serial widziałem już parę razy i pewnie wrócę do niego jeszcze nie raz. |
The 30-day Fantastic Challenge doesn't slow down at all! Another day, next question:
Favourite Fantastic Series?
God, what a river theme! And what a difficult choice! But I found the one that is my favourite.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Especially later seasons when the series hits darker tones. It is in this series that Trek's world is the most interesting to me - not as black and white and naive as in some productions. I've seen the series a few times and I will probably come back to it more than once. |
Taki wybór szanuję. ;)